a LANDSUPPORT hands-on workshop at the IEMSs conference 2020

The iEMSs Conference aims at enhancing sustainable resource management by bringing together researchers, stakeholders and decision makers engaged with environmental modelling, software and related topics, in order to exchange information, improve cooperation, promote interdisciplinarity and stimulate developments. The 2020 edition was held on September 14-18 in a virtual format, and the focus was on “Modelling for environmental sustainability” – where large attention was devoted to decision making and public participation in environmental modelling.
The LANDSUPPORT project was presented to the community by Fabio Terribile, our project coordinator. Furthermore, the project team organized a hands-on workshop to guide users LANDSUPPORT S-DSS platform and specifically on two tools from European level to regional/local scale: (i) Pollutants transport & groundwater vulnerability and (ii) Land take & Land Degradation Neutrality. The session also gave room to discussions among participants and the project team.