LANDSUPPORT selected for a ““success story”
LANDSUPPORT has officially been selected by the European Commission as a “success story”.
Success stories are finalised projects that have distinguished themselves by their impact, contribution to policy-making, innovative results and/or creative approach and can be a source of inspiration for others. The choice of a panel of experts to select a project as a success story is made on the basis of a selection process according to rigorous criteria regarding the quality, relevance and results of a project.
The LANDSUPPORT consortium is very pleased with this recognition of the hard work over the past years and of the high quality of the results achieved.
With it’s high impact, the LANDSUPPORT platform will remain operational long after the project itself is completed. As the Coordinator Fabio Terribile mentioned “If we are to save our soils and our land, then we need to leave these tools as open as possible, and to engage with a large community of users. On this point, it was really gratifying to see such interest in the platform from stakeholders. These included public administrators and wine cooperatives. Some members of the Italian Parliament, who after seeing and using the platform, even mentioned it in a soil framework law proposal. The platform will be kept alive for many years ahead.”