Soil Health Networking Day

Enhancing soil health is the ultimate objective of several research projects, initiatives and organizations. Joining forces is crucial to maximise their impact towards sustainable soil and land management.

To this end, on December 8th coordinators of research projects on soil sciences and land use, together with organizations and networks involved in soil health and management, will gather online to identify synergies and share findings and efforts in supporting soil health and related policies.

The meeting is organized and hosted by Fabio Terribile, coordinator of the LANDSUPPORT project.

When: on December 8th, from 9 to 13

How to join: the event will be broadcasted live on LANDSUPPORT YouTube channel

Agenda of the event

Participating projects and initiatives:

Global Soil Partnership

4p1000 Initiative



SUSCROP – Sustain-able Crop Production

CIRCASA – Soil care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe

SIEUSOIL – Sino-EU Soil Observatory for intelligent Land Use Management

AGROMIX – Agroforestry and mixed farming systems

EXCALIBUR – Exploiting the multifunctional potential of belowground biodiversity in horticultural farming

LAND-MARK – Land Management Assessment Research Knowledge base


Interventions and keynote speeches:

Luca Montanarella, Arwyn Jones, Calogero Schillaci, EU Soil Observatory

Marta Iglesias, European Commission

Fabio Terribile, CRISP – University of Naples, LANDSUPPORT coordinator

Johan Bouma, Emeritus Professor of soil science, Wageningen University, The Netherlands & Antonello Bonfante CNR ISAFOM, Italy

Harold Van Es, Cornell University, USA