Workshop WP7 – Tool on LANDTAKE
On Wednesday 6th of November 2019 in Naples, the Tool on LAND TAKE is being presented at the Directorate General for Agricultural Policies (Campania Region) offices. In particular it’s access methods, databases, queries, developed indicators, as well as the reporting forms are being illustrated. The mentioned Tool was previously presented (June 2019) to the European Commission, who showed to be very interested in this application, which is able to supply data results relating to the whole territory of the European Union.
The land consumption trend in Italy, which also involves soils characterized by high fertility, has now become unsustainable, both in terms of quality and quantity. As the latest ISPRA report showed, Land Consumption in Italy keeps growing: the new artificial roofs in 2018 involved 51 square kilometers of land: that is to say, on average, about 14 hectares per day. The H2020 LANDSUPPORT project intends to answer to the question: what tools have we got, among the different contexts of land management, to contrast and monitor soil consumption and soil sealing as well as the subsequent loss of ecosystem services?
Our presentation will be displayed directly on the S-DSS smart decision support system, already available on the web platform , which is able to integrate territorial and environmental data and analysis and evaluation models, in order to make information tools available for a sustainable soil and territory management in different areas (agriculture, forestry, urban areas) and to support the reporting and the urban and territorial planning.