LANDSUPPORT in the news! Full press review

In the past weeks, LANDSUPPORTers have been very active in Italy, with online workshops, live round tables, interviews and contacts with the business and urban planning worlds. And the word is spreading!

A number of Italian press outlets have published articles on the LANDSUPPORT project, illustrating the advantages of the DSS platform for sustainable territorial planning and soil management.

Some links to read the articles (in italian)

Let’s talk about land – LANDSUPPORT goes live!


A series of live round tables with LANDSUPPORT experts and guests, to discuss today’s policy and management challenges and how LANDSUPPORT tool can contribute in addressing them.

Watch them on our YouTube channel :

May 6th, 10 am

Land take: from tools to land management and agricultural policies. National perspectives from Italy and Hungary

with Gergely Tóth (iASK), Michele Munafò (ISPRA), Giuliano Langella (UNINA-CRISP) and Domenico Moccia (INU)

May 20th, 10 am

Modelling agricultural production: the ARMOSA model and the viticulture tool

with Alessia Perego (UNIMI) and Stefano Brenna (Lombardia Region) and Antonello Bonfante (ISAFOM-CNR)

May 27th, 10 am

Sistemi di supporto alla decisione nella pianificazione regionale: opportunità e prospettive (in Italian)

with Amedeo D’Antonio (Campania Region), Piero Manna (ISAFOM-CNR) and Carlo De Michele (ARIESPACE)

June 24th, 10 am

How a DSS can support (and strengthen) the implementation of the Pesticides and Nitrates Directives in Europe?

with Angelo Basile and Marialaura Bancheri (ISAFOM-CNR), Harald Loishandl-Weisz (Austrian Environment Agency)

October 20th, 10 am

Forest modelling today: geographical scales, data sources and applications to the real world

Gina Marano, Polytechnic of Zurich; Aleksandar Dujakovic, BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences; Vienna Jernej Jevšenak, Slovenian Forestry Institute

Supporting zero net land take with the LANDSUPPORT tool

What are the consequences of urban and spatial planning choices on our soils? How can we orientate urban planning choices towards greater environmental sustainability?

The Land Take tool on the LANDSUPPORT platform can provide answers to these questions! The tools perform analysis based on a what-if logic, simulating the effects on land take of urban and spatial planning choices. It also provides insights on related issues such as for example land fragmentation, urban sprawl and expected changes in ecosystem services.

The tool can be a powerful instrument for urban planners, public administrations – including environmental agencies – and researchers. It is currently in its beta version, and it is being developed in cooperation with some potential users, such as for example the Italian High Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), which publishes every year the national report on land take in Italy. The tool is currently in his beta version and everyone can try it out and use it.

Are you curious to know more?

Access the DSS Platfrom

Access to the technical sheet of the Land Take tool (K)

Discover our guides on how to access LANDSUPPORT platform

The latest publications by the LANDSUPPORT consortium


Have a look at the latest scientific articles by LANDSUPPORT team members:

  • Manna, P., Bonfante, A., Colandrea, M., Di Vaio, C., Langella, G., Marotta,M., Mileti, F.A., Minieri, L., Terribile, F., Vingiani, S., Basile, A., 2020. A geospatial decision support system to assist olive growing at the landscape scale. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 169.
  • Lal, R., Brevik, E.C., Dawson, L., Field, D., Glaser, B., Hartemink, A.E., Hatano, R., Lascelles, B., Monger, C., Scholten, T., Singh, B.R., Spiegel, H., Terribile, F., Basile, A., Zhang, Y., Horn, R., Kosaki, T., Reyes Sánchez, L.B., 2020. Managing Soils for Recovering from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Soil Systems MDPI 4, 46.
  • Basile, A., Albrizio, R., Autovino, D., Bonfante, A., de Mascellis, R., Terribile, F., Giorio, P., 2020. A modelling approach to discriminate contributions of soil hydrological properties and slope gradient to water stress in Mediterranean vineyards. Agricultural Water Management, Volume 241.

Live Round Tables and Users’ workshops: LANDSUPPORT reaches out to future users and followers

With the spring slowly unfolding, the LANDSUPPORT teams is developing two series of on-line events to get in touch with future users and followers:

  • What is the context in which LANDSUPPORT tools are being developed? What are today’s policy and management challenges that the tools aim to address? LANDSUPPORT experts will discuss such challenges in a series of live round tables on our YouTube channels!
  • Some LANDSUPPORT tools are already available on the DSS platform: how to use them? And what are the outcomes? LANDSUPPORT developers will show future users how to use our tools in a series of technical dissemination workshops in the project’s pilot countries and regions, starting with the Land Take tool.

The programs of both live round tables and technical dissemination workshops are under development, and will be published soon on our website, Twitter and Facebook accounts.

2nd Review Meeting with the European Commission

On 25 January 2021, the LANDSUPPORT project had its 2nd Review Meeting with the European Commission and external reviewers. This Review Meeting served the Project Officer and reviewers to further understand project progress and ask questions, as well as to discuss the current status and next steps.

It was a full-day remote meeting that involved the Coordinator and Project Management Office, the Workpackage leads, and partners on the project side.

It can be stated that it was fruitful discussions and have led to some valuable input and insights for both, the project as well as the EC and reviewers.

#LANDSUPPORTsaysHello – The new video series!

Data, results, users: how does the LANDSUPPORT platform work?

By clicking on the “Access to the DSS platform” button on this website’s home page, you are re-directed to the actual LANDSUPPORT platform: you log in, select the tool you want to use and make your query. But what is behind this interface? How does the system transforms raw data into maps and indicators?

The first infographic shows the path from data to users: geographical data are gathered together in a geodatabase, or data tier. Data are then processed in the logic tier, & answers brought to users through a presentation tier.

The second infographic shows how GIS data layers are combined to provide results in the forestry, nitrates and climate resilience tools.

Infographics by ISAFOM-CNR and Centro CRISP


“LANDSUPPORT. This is how the EU exploits the web to check soil’s health” – This is the title of an article by Matteo Cavallito recently appeared on Re Soil Foundation’s website. Soil management involves a large number of variables – different soil types, climatic and biological factors, and so on – and “it is evident that facing management issues one aspect at the time you can only get partial solutions. Whereas an integrated system, able to create a web of information can provide a solution to this impasse”, Cavallito explains to hi readers

a LANDSUPPORT hands-on workshop at the IEMSs conference 2020

The iEMSs Conference aims at enhancing sustainable resource management by bringing together researchers, stakeholders and decision makers engaged with environmental modelling, software and related topics, in order to exchange information, improve cooperation, promote interdisciplinarity and stimulate developments. The 2020 edition was held on September 14-18 in a virtual format, and the focus was on “Modelling for environmental sustainability” – where large attention was devoted to decision making and public participation in environmental modelling.

The LANDSUPPORT project was presented to the community by Fabio Terribile, our project coordinator. Furthermore, the project team organized a hands-on workshop to guide users LANDSUPPORT S-DSS platform and specifically on two tools from European level to regional/local scale: (i) Pollutants transport & groundwater vulnerability and (ii) Land take & Land Degradation Neutrality. The session also gave room to discussions among participants and the project team.