ARIESPACE (S.R.L.) is a small-sized enterprise (SME), established in 2006 as the first spin-off company of the University of Naples “Federico II”. ARIESPACE aims to overcome the gap between a large amount of available spatial information and final users, such as farmers, water authority, managers and consultants. To this end, ARIESPACE develops innovative and operational geo-solutions dedicated to monitor and manage agricultural, forest and water resources (e.g. ARIESPACE innovative technologies and competitive advantages are based on the conjunction of competences developed in different contexts and unified in a young, dynamic and multi-disciplinary working team which involves researchers, agronomists, engineers and computer scientists.
The company has more of ten years of experience in the field of earth observation, crop biophysical modelling, GIS and IT Technologies dedicated to the agricultural sector. By close cooperation with customers and partners and thanks to multidisciplinary expertise, ARIESPACE realised effective solutions to fulfil the requirements of customers and partners which have achieved substantial improvements in environmental performance.
In LANDSUPPORT, ARIESPACE coordinates Work Package 5, which focuses on the implementation of LANDSUPPORT Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure, and it is involved in all other Work Packages related to the development of DSS tools as well as their testing. As all WP leaders, ARIESPACE also has a role in WP7 on Communication and dissemination.