The Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – Production, Land, Agrienergy of the University of Milano develops its activities about farming systems, forestry, livestock, environmental and energy based on a multidisciplinary approach aimed at the integration of the main fields related to agricultural sciences for food, feed, energy production, while preserving natural resources and minimizing the environmental impact.
In the Departement, research activities realated to cropping systems consist of analysis and modelling of crop growth, soil water dynamics, carbon and nitrogen cycling in the soil-plant-atmosphere system at different scales (sub field, field, catchments, region). Also, model-based evaluation of climate change impact on field crops yield is carrided out for the definition of adaptation strategies. Field experiment and modelling analysis on management and land use allow to define strategies for enhancing soil fertility and crop yield while reducing nitrogen leaching and greenhouse emissions.
The research team involved in the LANDSUPPORT works on the development and improvement of the ARMOSA process-based model of the soil-plant-atmosphere system. This model is used to investigate carbon and nitrogen cycling under different cropping systems, pedoclimatic conditions, tillage and climate change scenarios. Moreover, the team desings and manages field experiments on gas emissions (i.e. N2O and NH3), nitrate leaching, nitrogen and water use efficiency in field crops and grassland.
The Agricultural Department of the University of Milan has a major role in modeling activities under WP3 and monitoring, assessment and validation activities under WP4, and it is also significantly involved in communication and dissemination activities under WP7