Regione Campania – Directorate General (DG) of Agricultural Policy, being a public body, is rooted on EU, national and regional legislation. This DG is specifically devoted to regional agriculture, and in particular its activities focus on the practical and efficient application of: (i) administrative action, (ii) programming action; (iii) coordination action, (iv) management and monitoring of both development and sustaining policies actions. The overall aim is the modernization and improvement of the competitiveness of agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors, while protecting and improving natural resources and biodiversity in the Campania region at the same time. More specifically, this DG’s activities pursue the following objectives: (i) support the economic development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries as a regional production system; (ii) the protection, promotion and management of land resources and the environment as a whole; and (iii) provide extension services to farmers – thus including advice and training – and protect consumers through the development of regional policies, coherent with the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.
In LANDSUPPORT, Campania Region will overlook the application of the system at the regional and local level, and it will be involved in DSS testing activities.