The Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing & Land Information (IVFL) is part of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna (Austria). IVFL’s research activities focus mainly on remote sensing for agriculture, forestry and urban areas, as well as on education projects. The BOKU Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information (IVFL) attends – in teaching and research – to technical disciplines that are required for the ecologically and economically sustainable utilization of natural resources in a harmonic cultural landscape.
IVFL-BOKU focuses on applied remote sensing and geo-spatial technologies related to agriculture, forestry and landscape planning (time series analysis, land use mapping, forest monitoring and mapping, landscape ecological interpretation, yield forecasts, drought monitoring). The expertise deployed for this project includes Sentinel-1, -2 and -3 data processing, crop biophysical parameter retrieval, field measurements for calibration and validation, use case and testing. The project team has developed operative solutions for vegetation monitoring for agricultural applications, including transfer of technology (for irrigation, drought, yield monitoring). This includes the implementation of advisory services for agriculture. The team has also investigated and developed methods for the exploitation of new sensors data and has a wide practical experience in field campaigns for validation of satellite products.
In LANDSUPPORT, BOKU leads Work Package 4 on the monitoring, assessment and validation of LANDSUPPORT technical and scientific results. It also plays an important role in participatory activities included in Work Package 7 on communication and dissemination.