Crops For the Future (CFF) is an organisation dedicated to research and promotion of underutilised crops to diversify agricultural systems, improve well-being and manage natural resources.. Based in Malaysia, its research focuses on new potentials of currently underutilised crops and prototypes for food, feed and non-food uses at the global scale. Its research delivers “disruptive” innovations, scalable prototypes, new knowledge and technology transfer for the agricultural diversification. CFF has established CropBASE as a unique data-driven programme in charge of documenting, collating and organising information related to crops and all aspects of food system. The programme is also building prototypes of integrated modelling and simulation systems and geospatial databases and tools for aiding agricultural diversification.
CFF has accumulated crop performance and geospatial modelling capacity in collaboration with Sabaragamuwa University Sri Lanka, University of Nottingham (UK and Malaysia), FAO, AgMIP and others. CFF is chair of Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA) which is a nine-member alliance focused on increasing food security by supporting smallholder agriculture and rural enterprise within healthy, sustainable and climate-smart landscapes. Through the AIRCA consortium, CFF gains access to over 300 institutional locations around the world.
In LANDSUPPORT, CFF is in charge of a pilot case in Malaysia, whose activities are part of WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP6.